Remote Endpoints


The remote command group allows users to manage the service endpoints Apptainer will interact with for many common command flows. This includes managing credentials for image storage services and keyservers used to locate public keys for SIF image verification. Currently, there are three main types of remote endpoints managed by this command group: Library API Registries, OCI registries, and keyservers.

You are most likely interacting with remote endpoints on a regular basis using various Apptainer commands: pull, push, build, key, search, verify, exec, shell, run, or instance.

Managing Remote Endpoints

A fresh installation of Apptainer is configured with the DefaultRemote, which does not support the Library API as it is only configured with a functioning key server, Users or administrators should configure one of the Library API implementations listed here if they would like to use a Library API registry.

Users can setup and switch between multiple remote endpoints, which are stored in their ~/.apptainer/remote.yaml file. Alternatively, remote endpoints can be set system-wide by an administrator.

Generally, users and administrators should manage remote endpoints using the apptainer remote command, and avoid editing remote.yaml configuration files directly.

List Remotes

To list existing remote endpoints, run the following:

$ apptainer remote list

NAME           URI                  DEFAULT?  GLOBAL?  EXCLUSIVE?  SECURE?
DefaultRemote  ✓         ✓                    ✓

The in the DEFAULT? column for DefaultRemote shows that this is the current default remote endpoint.

Add & Login To Remotes

To add a remote endpoint (for the current user only):

$ apptainer remote add <remote_name> <remote_uri>

For example, if you have an installation of Apptainer enterprise hosted at

$ apptainer remote add myremote

INFO:    Remote "myremote" added.
Generate an access token at, and paste it here.
Token entered will be hidden for security.
Access Token:

You will be prompted to setup an API key as the remote is added. As the example above shows, the output of the add subcommand will provide you with the web address you need to visit in order to generate your new access token.

To add a global remote endpoint (available to all users on the system), an administrative user should run:

$ sudo apptainer remote add --global <remote_name> <remote_uri>

# example...
$ sudo apptainer remote add --global company-remote
INFO:    Remote "company-remote" added.
INFO:    Global option detected. Will not automatically log into remote.


Global remote configurations can only be modified by the root user and are stored in the etc/apptainer/remote.yaml file under the Apptainer installation location.

To login to a remote, for the first time or if your token expires or was revoked:

# Login to the default remote endpoint
$ apptainer remote login

# Login to another remote endpoint
$ apptainer remote login <remote_name>

# example...
$ apptainer remote login myremote
apptainer remote login myremote
INFO:    Authenticating with remote: myremote
Generate an API Key at, and paste here:
API Key:
INFO:    API Key Verified!

If you login to a remote that you already have a valid token for, you will be prompted, and the new token will be verified, before it replaces your existing credential. If you enter an incorrect token your existing token will not be replaced:

$ apptainer remote login
An access token is already set for this remote. Replace it? [N/y]y
Generate an access token at, and paste it here.
Token entered will be hidden for security.
Access Token:
FATAL:   while verifying token: error response from server: Invalid Credentials

# Previous token is still in place


It is important for users to be aware that the login command will store the supplied credentials or tokens unencrypted in your home directory.

Remove Remotes

To remove an endpoint:

$ apptainer remote remove <remote_name>

Use the --global option as the root user to remove a global endpoint:

$ sudo apptainer remote remove --global <remote_name>

Insecure (HTTP) Endpoints

If you are using a endpoint that only exposes its service discovery file over an insecure HTTP connection, it can be added by specifying the --insecure flag:

$ sudo apptainer remote add --global --insecure test
INFO:    Remote "test" added.
INFO:    Global option detected. Will not automatically log into remote.

This flag causes HTTP to be used instead of HTTPS for service discovery only. The protocol used to access individual library-, build- and keyservice-URLs is determined by the contents of the service discovery file.

Set the Default Remote

To use a given remote endpoint as the default for commands such as push, pull, etc., use the remote use command:

$ apptainer remote use <remote_name>

The remote designated as default shows up with a YES under the ACTIVE column in the output of remote list:

$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME            URI                      DEFAULT?  GLOBAL?  EXCLUSIVE?  SECURE?
DefaultRemote                ✓                    ✓
company-remote            ✓                    ✓
myremote   ✓                              ✓
test                     ✓                    ✓

$ apptainer remote use myremote
INFO:    Remote "myremote" now in use.

$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME            URI                      DEFAULT?  GLOBAL?  EXCLUSIVE?  SECURE?
DefaultRemote      ✓         ✓                    ✓
company-remote            ✓                    ✓
myremote                                  ✓
test                     ✓                    ✓

In the example above, the default remote at the start (before being changed to DefaultRemote) was myremote. That is because adding a new remote endpoint automatically makes the newly-added endpoint the default one, and the same user had previously used the remote add command to add the myremote endpoint. This behavior can be suppressed by passing the --no-default flag to the remote add command, which will then add a new remote endpoint but leave the default endpoint unchanged:

 $ apptainer remote add --no-default myotherremote
 INFO:    Remote "myotherremote" added.
 Generate an access token at, and paste it here.
 Token entered will be hidden for security.
 Access Token:

$ apptainer remote list

 NAME            URI                      DEFAULT?  GLOBAL?  EXCLUSIVE?  SECURE?
 DefaultRemote      ✓         ✓                    ✓
 company-remote            ✓                    ✓
 myotherremote                                 ✓
 myremote                                  ✓
 test                     ✓                    ✓

An administrator can make a remote the only usable remote for the system, using the --exclusive flag:

$ sudo apptainer remote use --exclusive company-remote
INFO:    Remote "company-remote" now in use.
$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME            URI                      DEFAULT?  GLOBAL?  EXCLUSIVE?  SECURE?
DefaultRemote                ✓                    ✓
company-remote  ✓         ✓        ✓           ✓
myotherremote                                 ✓
myremote                                  ✓
test                     ✓                    ✓

This, in turn, prevents users from changing the remote they use:

$ apptainer remote use myremote
FATAL:   could not use myremote: remote company-remote has been set exclusive by the system administrator

If you do not want to switch remote with remote use, you can:

  • Instruct push and pull commands to use an alternative library server using the --library option (for example: apptainer pull -F --library library://alpine). Note that the URL provided to the --library option is the URL of the library service itself, not the service discovery URL for the entire remote.

  • Instruct certain subcommands of the key command to use an alternative keyserver using the --url option (for example: apptainer key search --url foobar).

Restoring pre-Apptainer library behavior

Apptainer’s default remote endpoint configures only a public key server, it does not support the library:// protocol. Formerly the default was set to point to Sylabs servers, but the read/write support of the oras:// protocol by for example the GitHub Container Registry makes it unnecessary. The remote endpoint was also formerly used for builds using the build --remote option, but Apptainer does not support that. Instead, it supports unprivileged local builds.

If you would still like to have the previous default, these are the commands to restore the library behavior from before Apptainer, where using the library:// URI would download from the Sylabs Cloud anonymously:

$ apptainer remote add --no-login SylabsCloud
INFO:    Remote "SylabsCloud" added.
$ apptainer remote use SylabsCloud
INFO:    Remote "SylabsCloud" now in use.
$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME           URI                  ACTIVE  GLOBAL  EXCLUSIVE
DefaultRemote  NO      YES     NO
SylabsCloud     YES     NO      NO


URI                                 GLOBAL  INSECURE  ORDER  YES     NO        1*

* Active cloud services keyserver

To set the defaults system-wide see the corresponding section in the admin guide.

Keyserver Configurations

By default, Apptainer will use the keyserver defined by the active remote’s service discovery file. This behavior can be changed or supplemented via the add-keyserver and remove-keyserver subcommands. These commands allow an administrator to create a global list of keyservers that will be used to verify container signatures by default, where order 1 will be the first in the list. Other operations performed by Apptainer that reach out to a keyserver will only use the first, or order 1, keyserver.

When listing the default remotes, we can see that the default keyserver is and the asterisk next to its order indicates that it is the keyserver associated with the current remote endpoint. We can also see the INSECURE column indicating that Apptainer will use TLS when communicating with the keyserver.

$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME           URI                  ACTIVE  GLOBAL  EXCLUSIVE
DefaultRemote  YES     YES     NO


URI                       GLOBAL  INSECURE  ORDER  YES     NO        1*

* Active cloud services keyserver

We can add a key server to list of keyservers as follows:

$ sudo apptainer remote add-keyserver
$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME           URI                  ACTIVE  GLOBAL  EXCLUSIVE
DefaultRemote  YES     YES     NO


URI                       GLOBAL  INSECURE  ORDER  YES     NO        1*   YES     NO        2

* Active cloud services keyserver

Here, we see that the keyserver was added to the list. We can specify the order in the list in which this keyserver should be added, by using the --order flag:

$ sudo apptainer remote add-keyserver --order 1
$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME           URI                  ACTIVE  GLOBAL  EXCLUSIVE
DefaultRemote  YES     YES     NO


URI                      GLOBAL  INSECURE  ORDER  YES     NO        1 YES     NO        2*

* Active cloud services keyserver

Since we specified --order 1, the keyserver was added as the first entry in the list, and the default keyserver was moved to second in the list. With this keyserver configuration, all default image verification performed by Apptainer will, when searching for public keys, reach out to first, and only then to

If a keyserver requires authentication prior to being used, users can login as follows, supplying the password or an API token at the prompt:

$ apptainer remote login --username myname
Password (or token when username is empty):
INFO:    Token stored in /home/myname/.apptainer/remote.yaml

The output of remote list will now show that we are logged in to

$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME           URI                  ACTIVE  GLOBAL  EXCLUSIVE
DefaultRemote  YES     YES     NO


URI                       GLOBAL  INSECURE  ORDER   YES     NO        1  YES     NO        2*

* Active cloud services keyserver

Authenticated Logins

URI                     INSECURE NO


It is important for users to be aware that the remote login command will store the supplied credentials or tokens unencrypted in your home directory.

Managing OCI Registries

It is common for users of Apptainer to use OCI registries as sources for their container images. Some registries require credentials to access certain images or even the registry itself. Previously, the only method in Apptainer to supply credentials to registries was to supply credentials for each command or set environment variables to contain the credentials for a single registry. See Authentication via Interactive Login and Authentication via Environment Variables.

Apptainer supports the ability for users to supply credentials on a per-registry basis with the remote command group.

Users can login to an OCI registry with the remote login command by specifying a docker:// prefix to the registry hostname:

$ apptainer remote login --username myname docker://
Password (or token when username is empty):
INFO:    Token stored in /home/myname/.apptainer/remote.yaml

$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME           URI                  ACTIVE  GLOBAL  EXCLUSIVE
DefaultRemote  YES     YES     NO


URI                       GLOBAL  INSECURE  ORDER  YES     NO        1*

* Active cloud services keyserver

Authenticated Logins

URI                 INSECURE
docker://  NO

An entry for docker:// now shows up under Authenticated Logins, and Apptainer will automatically supply the configured credentials when interacting with DockerHub. We can also see the INSECURE column indicating that Apptainer will use TLS when communicating with the registry.

We can be logged-in to multiple OCI registries at the same time:

$ apptainer remote login --username myname docker://
Password (or token when username is empty):
INFO:    Token stored in /home/myname/.apptainer/remote.yaml

$ apptainer remote list
Cloud Services Endpoints

NAME           URI                  ACTIVE  GLOBAL  EXCLUSIVE
DefaultRemote  YES     YES     NO


URI                       GLOBAL  INSECURE  ORDER  YES     NO        1*

* Active cloud services keyserver

Authenticated Logins

URI                            INSECURE
docker://             NO
docker://  NO

Apptainer will supply the correct credentials for the registry based on the hostname used, whenever using the following commands with a docker:// or oras:// URI: pull, push, build, exec, shell, run, or instance.


It is important for users to be aware that the remote login command will store the supplied credentials or tokens unencrypted in your home directory.