
Learn some knowledge from those who have their hands on the wheel with Apptainer. Learn their ways, techniques, or even get some enlightenment about where to use Apptainer.

Apptainer 1.1.0 Has Been Released

A discussion of the new features and updated security posture of the groundbreaking Apptainer 1.1.0 release.

Ctrl IQ Weekly Webinar Series

Singularity: Containers for High-Performance Computing

This session will provide an overview of the main features and benefits of Singularity, as well as a demonstration of how to run Singularity on WestGrid and Compute Canada systems, how to access filesystems from the container, and how to convert Docker containers to Singularity applications.


Singularity Introduction

Michael Bauer provides and introduction into the HPC container runtime Singularity.

ISC High Performance

Containers Using Singularity on HPC

In this video from the 2018 Swiss HPC Conference, Abhinav Thota, from Indiana University presents: Containers Using Singularity on HPC.

2018 Swiss HPC Conference

Easy-Build Singularity Containers

In this hands on tutorial we will build 2 containers: a simple one to give users an understanding of how the set of scripts are working and how we can build for example Debian or CentOS containers without much knowledge of the background mechanisms. In the second, more advanced part, we show how to open up the containers and give users a chance to install their bespoke pipelines and use the power of the containers to run that on virtually any suitable platform.

EUM '21

Singularity in High Performance Computing (HPC)

In this webinar, we cover the basics of using Singularity and best practices of using it on Compute Canada HPC systems. We then discuss the common use cases and our experience with Singularity, and review the recent developments and changes in the newest versions of Singularity 3. The webinar is intended for everyone with basic skills in the Linux command line.


Singularity: Simple, Secure Containers for HPC

Singularity is the most widely used container solution in high-performance computing (HPC). Instead of a layered filesystem, a Singularity container is stored in a single file. This simplifies the container management lifecycle and facilitates features such as image signing and verification to produce trusted containers.

Computational Biomedicine

Software Containers with Singularity

An overview of software containers and how to use Singularity to create and run containers for research and high-performance computing tasks.

USC Advanced Research Computing

Ready to experience Apptainer?

Join academia and HPC in experiencing the benefits of using secure, portable, and easy-to-use containers today!