apptainer remote login

Login to an Apptainer remote endpoint, an OCI/Docker registry or a keyserver using credentials


The ‘remote login’ command allows you to set credentials for a specific endpoint, an OCI/Docker registry or a keyserver.

If no endpoint or registry is specified, the command will login to the currently active remote endpoint.

apptainer remote login [login options...] <remote_name|registry_uri>


To log in to an endpoint:
$ apptainer remote login

To login in to a docker/OCI registry:
$ apptainer remote login --username foo docker://
$ apptainer remote login --username foo oras://

Note that many cloud OCI registries use token based authentication. The token
should be specified as the password for login. A username is still required. E.g.
when using a standard Azure identity and token to login to an ACR registry the
username '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' is required. Consult your provider
documentation for detail of their login requirements.


-h, --help               help for login
-i, --insecure           allow insecure login
-p, --password string    password / token to authenticate with
    --password-stdin     take password from standard input
    --tokenfile string   path to the file holding auth token for login (remote endpoints only)
-u, --username string    username to authenticate with (required for Docker/OCI registry login)


  • apptainer remote - Manage apptainer remote endpoints, keyservers and OCI/Docker registry credentials

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